Friday, April 26, 2019

It's Been Fun

Just kidding, it hasn't been.

I've been working on this blog for eleven years. It became a mission for me to force myself to write regularly, and for a while it helped me a lot. I posted my novels as I wrote them. I got to experiment with different types of written humor. I complained.

I complained a lot.

I felt pretty good about myself when I wrote here. No matter what I did during the week, no matter how much I procrastinated, at the very least, I wrote a blog entry. For a few years, I even posted every day.

Over time it became a burden. "Crap, I have to do the blog" was something I'd say almost every week. A few weeks ago, I decided I didn't have time; the blog just wasn't important.

They probably heard my sigh of relief in China.

So, thanks to all both my readers (Hi, Mom!), but this is where I stop.

Thanks for paying attention.

The End

About the Author
Matthew Kagle is a Sheffield Pony living in a stable in Branson, Missouri. His trainer taught him to use Blogger after three weeks of drinking nothing but grain alcohol. If you enjoyed his blog, check out his other works: Black Beauty, The Black Stallion, The Black Pearl, Beatles: The White Album, and 50 Shades of Gray.